The Dyslexia-Friendly Teacher's Toolkit provides you with the foundations for making your setting and your teaching style dyslexia-friendly.
If you want to make effective, inclusive dyslexia-friendly classrooms a reality rather than an aspiration, this book is for you.
This toolkit provides a general overview of the principles and practices required, and what the dyslexia-aware teacher needs to bear in mind.
Chapters cover:
- understanding learners with dyslexia;
- dyslexia and phonics;
- dyslexia and English as an Additional Language;
- dyslexia and mathematics;
- dyslexia and science;
- dyslexia and creativity.
Each chapter includes visual chapter overviews, tried and tested strategies for the classroom and the whole school, using technology to help learners, case studies from practice, children's voices and sources of further information.
The book offers you ideas and advice, and will ensure you feel confident you are doing the right things to help overcome barriers to learning.