The British Dyslexia Association Good Practice Guide for Justice Professionals - Guidelines for Supporting Clients and Users of the Justice System who have Dyslexia and Other Specific Learning Difficulties.
An important guide for Justice Professionals on supporting Specific Learning Difficulties in the Justice System is now available from the BDA.
The Good Practice Guide for Justice Professionals has been written by the BDA and DANDA (an umbrella organisation for adults with a range of specific learning difficulties) to support clients and users of the Justice System.
It follows the introduction of the new chapter on Specific Learning Difficulties in the Judicial Equal Treatment Bench Book (revised Dec. 2008).
The guide features:
- Implications for the Justice System;
- Guidance on Interviewing and Case Preparation;
- Accommodations and Reasonable Adjustments.
This Guide has received considerable interest and support on the part of both the Bar Council and the Law Society together with favourable comments from members of the Police Force, Probation Service and Magistrates Association.