by David Wechsler
Purpose: is a UK-normed battery of five subtests to test key aspects of literacy.
Age: 4-25 yrs
Admin: Individual
The WIAT-III-UK-T is suitable for use in a variety of educational settings. Results obtained from the WIAT-IIIUK-T can assist in:
Identifying academic strengths and weaknesses of a student
Informing decisions regarding eligibility for educational services
Providing evidence for applications for Access Arrangements and the Disabled Students’ Allowance
Designing instructional objectives and planning interventions
Reading: Early Reading Skills; Word Reading;Reading Comprehension; Oral Reading Fluency
Spelling: Spelling
WIAT-III-UK-T for Access Arrangements and General Qualifications
The WIAT-III-UK-T has particular application for testing for Access Arrangements and the Disabled Students’ Allowance. Suitable for measures of:
Single word accuracy
Reading comprehension
Reading fluency and/or reading speed
Single word spelling accuracy
Applications: for a reader; extra time; a scribe
WIAT-III-UK-T for the Disabled Student’s Allowance*
(*to be reviewed by the SASC committee)
The WIAT-III-UK-T is currently listed as a suitable test for the Assessment of Specific Learning Difficulties (SPLD) in Higher Education in the categories of:
Reading: Single word recognition
Reading: Continuous text reading: silent reading
Spelling: Single word
The WIAT-III-UK-T allows for flexible administration. Examiners may choose to administer a single subtest, a subset of the WIAT-III-UK-T subtests, or all 5 subtests, depending upon the age level of the student, the purpose of the assessment, and the subtest scores required.
WIAT-III-UK-T normative data and score types
Scores provided for all subtests
Standard Scores (M = 100, SD = 15); Percentile Ranks; Age Equivalents; Normal Curve Equivalents; Stanines.